Väike sõnum kõigile Facebooki kasutajatele, kes üritavad midagi võita sealsete loosimiste teel ja jagate pildikesi ja muud sellist - käige persse! Kõik kes te jagate pildikesi ja tekstikesi nagu laigi 3 sekundi jooksul või lagi kui A ja sheeri kui B - käige persse! Kõik te laigilitsid kes te postitate pildikesi või tekstikesi kus on kirjas "vajuta like kui" või "vajuta like ja ma" kaasaarvatud laigimängud - käige persse! Kõik kes te mängite Facebookis mänge ja arvate, et mulle meeldiks neid mängida või leidsite rakenduse ja arvate, et ma tahaks seda kasutada - käige persse! Kõik te inimesed, kes täägivad teisi piltidele kus neid inimesi ei ole, isegi kui see pilt on mingil määral sentimentaalse väärtusega - käige persse! Kõik te kes te saadate ahelkirju - käige persse! Kõik te, kes te usute, et pildi laikimine internetis päästab kellegi vähkkasvajast või loomi enam ei piinata - käige persse! Kõik te, kes te arvate, et need 95%, kes väidetavalt postitust ei jaga ei hooli antud teemast ja usute et olete tänu jagamisele midagi head teinud - käige persse! Sest tänu teiesugustele inimestele pole mul enam üsna pea lihtsat ja mugavat suhtluskeskonda, sest mul on kõrini. Ma raporteerin iga päev kümneid ja kümneid spämm postitusi, blokeerin uusi mänge ja rakendusi, kerin end läbi mõttetust pasast ja mul on kõrini! 90% tõenäosusega võin väita, et mind ei ole uuest kuust enam facebooki suhtluskeskonnas ja mul ei ole kusagilt võtta ka asendusvarianti, sest G+ on tühi ja ega spämm sealtki puudu. Ja pole lootust, et kunagi midagi head enam tuleb, sest inimesed on tõmmatud reklaami ja spämmi. Me ju kunagi ei sallinud seda ja nüüd vaadake meid, me toodame seda. Mina saatsin teid kõiki perse, aga mida ma tegelikult mõtlen on - "By the way, if anyone here is in marketing or advertising...kill
yourself. Thank you. Just planting seeds, planting seeds is all I'm
doing. No joke here, really. Seriously, kill yourself, you have no
rationalisation for what you do, you are Satan's little helpers. Kill
yourself, kill yourself, kill yourself now. Now, back to the show.
Seriously, I know the marketing people: 'There's gonna be a joke comin'
up.' There's no fuckin' joke. Suck a tail pipe, hang yourself...borrow a
pistol from an NRA buddy, do something...rid the world of your evil
fuckin' presence." - Bill Hicks
Kui keegi teab kedagi, kes teaks kedagi, kes oleks religioosne ja oleks valmis antud teemal minuga arutama ja küsimustele vastama, siis palun võtke ühendust. Eriti eelistatud on moslemid ja hindud. Täiesti tavalisi usklike tahan, pole vaja et ta oleks pastor, mis oleks muidugi ideaalne, vaja oleks vaid, et ta julgeks end kutsuda kristalseks, moslemiks, hinduks, budistiks, juudi usku või kelleks iganes sarnaseks. Mul pole plaanis kedagi solvama hakata, kiusata, kuid ma tahaks esitada küsimusi ja palju. Palun tulge appi, sest minu tutvusringkonnas lihtsalt ei ole usklike inimesi :-(
Inimestel siin maailmas on niivõrd igav, nad on tüdinenud. Elu läheb aina mugavamaks ja inimesed aina õnnetumaks. Kõik me ootame mingit kaost. Kuigi paljud meist seda ei tunnista, siis me kõik mõtleme, et meil oleks vaja uut katku, või kui hea tegelikult oleks Zombie apokalüps, või kui maiade kalender tegelikult ennustaski maailmalõppu, või et jeesus tuleb ja peab kõigi üle kohut või siis jäämäed sulavad ja New York upub ja paljud muud linnad, või kolmandat maailmasõda tuumapommidega, või meteoor langeks maale. Või siis midagi väikest nagu tahaks autoavariid, või et lennuk kukuks mu tagaaeda. Ma olen tõsiselt kaalutlenud positiivseid ja negatiivseid külgi näiteks sellel, kui mul oleks surmav vähkkasvaja või mõni muu haigus ja positiivseid külgi polegi nii vähe. Olete mõelnud, miks "Fight club" on nõnda hea film ja miks Tyler'i filosoofia on nõnda hea? Või miks Donnie Darko'l oli nägu naerul kui ta kõike seda tegi? Ja ma tunnistan, et seda juhtub minuga tihti, et ma selliseid mõtteid mõtlen, kuid ma pean end siiski optimistiks ja ma usun et olen üsna lähedal lahendusele. Eluviisile, mis mind taas köidab, sest ma olen sellest fragmente kogenud, mida mina nimetan 'elamiseks'. Et kokku võtta, mida ma tahtsin selle lõiguga öelda postitan nüüd lõigu Andre teksti, mis seletab lahti ja võtab ideaalselt kokku suure osa minu ideest ja filosoofiast sellel teemal.
"okay, yes... we are bored... we're all bored now... but has it ever occured to you Wally that the process that creates this boredom that we see in this world now, may very well be a self prepetuating unconscious form of brainwashing, created by a world totalitarian government based on money, and that all this is much more dangerous than one thinks? and it's not just a question of individual survival Wally, but that somebody who is bored is asleep, and that someone who is asleep will not say no? i keep meeting these people, just a few days ago I met this man who I greatly admire... he's a Swedish physicist, Gustav Bjornstrand, and he told me that he no longer watches television, he doesn't read newspapers and doesn't read magazines... he's completely cut them out of his life because he really does feel that we are living in some kind of an Orwellian nightmare now... and everything that you hear now contributes into turning you into a robot... when i was in findhorn, I met this extraordinary English tree expert, who had devoted his life to saving trees... he just got back from Washington, lobbying to save the Redwoods... age 40 years and he always travels with a backpack because he never knows where he's going to be tomorrow... when i met him at Findhorn he said to me, 'where are you from?' and I said 'New York'... 'ahh New York, it's a very interesting place... do you know a lot of New Yorkers who keep talking about wanting to leave but never do?' and I said yes, and he said 'why do you tink they don't leave?' I gave him a few banal theories, and he said 'i don't think it's that way at all... i think that New York is a new model for the new concentration camp, where the camp has been built by the inmates themselves, and the inmates ARE the guards, and they have this pride in this thing they built, they built their own prison, so they exist in a state of schizophrenia where they are the both guards and prisoners, and as a result they no longer have, having been lobotomized, the capacity to leave the prison they made or to even see it as a prison.' then he went into his pocket and he took out a seed for a tree. he said 'this is a pine tree.' he put it in my hand, and said 'escape, before it's too late'. see actually for 2 to 3 years now, Chiquita and I have had this very unpleasant feeling that we really should get out.. that we really should feel like Jews in Germany in the late 30's... get out of here.. but the problem is, where to go, because it seems quite obvious that the whole world is going in the same direction. [...] now, of course Bjornstrand, feels that there is really almost no hope, and that we're probably going back to a very savage, lawless, terrifying period...
Findhorn people see it a little differently.
they feel that there will be these pockets of light, springing up in different parts of the world, and that these will be in a way invisible planets on this planet... and as we of the world grow colder, we can take invisible space journeys to these different planets, refuel for what it is we need to do on the planet itself, and come back. and its their feeling that there have to be centers now, where people can come and reconstruct a new future for the world... and when i was talking to Gustav Bjornstrand, he was saying that these centers are actually growing up everywhere now... and what they are was trying to do, and what Findhorn was trying to do, and in a way what i was trying to do... I mean, these things can't be given names... but in a way, these are all attempts at creating a new kind of school or a new kind of monestary... and Bjornstrand talks about the concept of reserves... islands of safety, where history can be remembered and the human being can continue to function in order to maintain the species through a dark age... in other words we're talking about an underground, which did exist in different ways during the dark ages among the mystical orders of the church... and the purpose of this underground is to find out how to preserve the light.. life... the culture... how to keep things living... you see I keep thinking what we need is a new language... a language of the heart.. the language of the Polish forest where language wasn't needed... some kind of language between people that is a new kind of poetry... it's the poetry of the dancing bee that tells us where the honey is... and I think that in order to create that language you're going to have to learn how to go through the looking glass, into another kind of perception where you have that sense of being united... with all things. then suddenly, you understand everything."
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