esmaspäev, 23. juuli 2012

Don't let your brain to believe its own nonsense too much

Ma nägin paari unenägu ühe öö jooksul (teile kes te ei näe tihti unenägusid tunnen kaasa sest minu ööd sisaldavad keskmiselt 2-3 unenägu), mis esmapilgul ehk ei tundugi seotud olevat teineteisega, aga hetk mil ma ärkasin ja meenutasin oma kaht unenägu olid nad vägagi seotud. Niiöelda sama idee kaks külge. Ja ma pidin seda lähemalt analüüsima. Sest mu alateadvus teadis justkui juba vastust ja tootis mulle selle unenäo, et ma siis hiljem seda analüüsiks ja sellest õpiks ja saaksin teada, miks ma endast tihti lugu ei pea, mida ma peaksin muutma, et olla parem inimene ja miks ma ei suuda nutta. Aga jah mõeldud ja arutletud selle üle üritan seda diskussiooni teiega jagada kõige selgemal, täpsemal ja kindlamal moel, et kõik ikka aru saaksid, et sõnad on ülehinnatud selliste asjade kirjeldamisel. Seega kasutasin ma sõnu ja kirjutasin luuletuse oma unenägudest.


Vahel tahad nagu nutta
aga ei mäleta kuidas nagu
sest sa ei taha valu
aga sa nii väga tahad nutta

ja otsid valutut põhjust pisaraile
et nad ilmuks ja niisutaks su põski
ja sa leiad vasuse siiski
ja loodad kõige vägevamaile

et unenägu poleks maine
et su kujuteldud inimesi
ravib võluvesi
ja keegi polnudki kunagi haige

sest vastus on valutu
vaid siis kui oskad
vaid enese tunnete üle kosta
ülekohtu ja kõige mis talutud

aga kui loobud valututest pisaratest
ja teada soovid
miks mõned pisaraproovid
ei kosta ülekohtust sinule sinu vanematest

vaid hoopis sinu kurjusest
ja sellest kuidas sa ootad, loodad
andestust ülekohtu eest mida toodad
ja mõistad et test on sinu headusest

ja lõpuks nutad kujuteldud pisaraid
ja loodad, ainult loodad
et kõik mida teadvus toodab
poleks tundnud reetmist, hoope valusaid

ja seekord tõesti ootad, loodad
andestust ja mõistmist
küsimuste tõstmist
ja armastust mida toodad.

Inglise keeles on ütlus 'face your (inner)demons'. Ma olen alati aru saanud, et inimesed tõlgendavad seda kuidagi, et sa pead jagu saama oma deemonitest ja nad seljatama. Umbes nagu aja rusikad püsti ja ära karda kaotada vaid viruta nii kuidas jaksad vms. Ma avastasin uue lähenemise enda jaoks, mis meeldib mulle palju rohkem. Ma võtan oma deemonid ja vaatangi neile justkui silma sisse ja ei lase heidutada end nende ehk algul jõledana tunduvast olekust. Ma vaatan neid kui kunstiteosed. Ma uurin ja vaatan neid ja austan neid. Ma ei ürita neid alla suruda. Ma ei ürita nendega võidelda vaid ehk lihtsalt suhelda. Suhtle oma deemonitega, sest neile meeldib kuulata ja neile meeldib rääkida. Deemonid on osake sinust ja nad arenevad koos sinuga. Õppige koos. Pime agressiivsus nende vastu ei too head.

Kui vaatad SciFi filme siis seal on tihtilugu kosmilised telefonikõned ja miskipärast on nad pea alati 3D hologrammid. Ja need värelevad ja virelevad ja näevad üldiselt kehva kvaliteediga välja. Ja ma hakkasin fantaseerima, miks see võiks päriselt nõnda olla, et nad sellist tehnoloogiat kasutavad. Ja ma mõtlesin ühe teooria välja, et äkki need inimesed seal filmides näevad 4D's. Ja neil on vaja hologrammi, lisada lihtsalt dimensioone. Ehk nad näevad hologrammi teistmoodi kui meie. Midagi sarnast kui vaadata 3D filmi ilma prillideta. Ehk nad tegelikult vaatavad seal arenenud nelja dimensionaalset inimest ja suhtlevad mitmel eri tasandil. Kuid ilmselt on see lihtsalt lahe eriefekt mida holliwood armastab, aga mulle meeldib mu teooria...

Et endas kahelda, see nõuab palju eneseusku.

reede, 6. juuli 2012

A lie alive

Kristlased väidavad, et kui nad Aafrikasse lähevad siis nad teevad tohutult palju head, sest nad toovad inimestele lootust ja usku ning väidavad sealjuures ka, et ateistid ei suudaks seda iialgi teha. Ma olen siin kohal teisel arvamusel, sest kui religioossed inimesed sinna lähevad, siis nad ehitavad kiriku, jagavad piibleid, palkavad pastoreid, korraldavad pühapäevaseid istumisi ja see kõik muidugi tõstab moraali. Kuid kui ateistid sinna lähevad siis nad teevad sama raha eest haigla või kooli mitte kiriku, jagavad tööriistu mitte piibleid, palkavad õpetajaid mitte pastoreid ja korraldavad sama moodi vahvaid istumisi. Ja ka kõik see tõstab moraali. muidugi ka kristlased teevad seda sama, ehitades kiriku kõrvale kooli või haigla jne, aga osa kulutustest läheb siiski usu levitamise peale. Mina usun, et kui see raha viia usu levituse pealt majanduse, põllumajanduse ja ökonoomia alla, siis moraal tõuseb isegi rohkem, sest siis nad suudavad seda ise tõsta. Nad saavad lõpuks ise hakkama ja kas see polegi mitte eesmärk, kui lihtsalt käia seal iga aasta ja jagada võileibu, et nad maha ei sureks lihtsalt.

Harjutasin arvutis joonistamist taas.Ma tõesti ei tea mis mul sellega on, aga mulle tohutult meeldib sigarette hoidvaid käsi joonistada. 

Jah, lahkusin Facebookist. Üldse ei igatse. Soovitan kõigile.

Ma kirjutasin siia jutukese jumalast kui programmeerijast, kuid ma kustutasin selle. Sest see polnud puhas. Ja keegi ei saa seda lugeda, sest need sõnad oleks vaid segadust juurde toonud. Seega ma pean veel mõtlema, enne kui midagi ütlen, mis loeb.

Muinasjuttudest  saab õppida. Need on välja mõeldud lood, mida rääkida kui päris lugu pole teada või ehk pole nõnda selge ja paeluv. Muinasjutud muutuvad ja võivad kaotada oma õpetlikkuse. Punamütsikese lugu pole enam õpetlik, sest keegi lahke lapsevanem ei soovind oma lapse nägu näha hirmul. Osad arvavad, et muinasjutud tekitavad ebareaalse maailmapildi. Selleks peab laps ikka väga rumal olema. Ärge ajage lapsi sassi lollide täiskasvanutega. Erinevalt täiskasvanutest, oskavad lapsed kasutada kujutlusvõimet. Me peaksime neile õpetama, kuidas seda isegi enam kasutada. Kahjuks tean ma väheseid, kes tõesti kasutavad seda ja aktiivselt. (see kui sa kord nädalas istud ja unistad miljonist eurost pole see, mida ma mõtlen) Kas teile on õpetatud unistamist? Ei? Aga ehk mäletate, kui teile on öeldud, et lõpeta unistamine ja tee midagi kasulikku?  Üks rumalamaid asju, mida öelda minu arvates. Muide kas olete tähele pannud, et inimesed, kes istuvad, mõtlevad ja unistavad on palju õnnelikumad ja rohkem rahul oma eluga kui need, kes jooksevad, töötavad ja raha teenivad. Naeratavad budistid, lõbusad hipid, muhedad boheemlased, kiiktoolis vanaisad... vastukaaluks tänavatel kisendavad kristlased, BMW'ga ossid, ülikonnas ärimehed, tänitavad turumutid. Kui ikka veel ei usu siis toon esile numbrid- läänelikes edukates maades on enesetappude suhtarv tohutult palju kõrgem kui kolmandates riikides nagu näiteks mõned Aafrika maad. Neil pole praktiliselt midagi, aga nad on õnnelikumad kui Sina!

Leia sõber, istuge koos maha ning ärge öelge teineteisele sõnakestki, lihtsalt olge ja nautige kui hea on sedasi olla ja mõelda kellegagi koos erinevatest asjadest.

pühapäev, 1. juuli 2012

101 ausat ja igavat vastust.

Mul on vaja veidi vähem mõelda, seega vastan labastele küsimustele. Ilmselt pole teil mõtet seda lugeda. Jätkan inglise keeles, sest küsimused on sedasi seatud.

Who are you?
I don't really know yet

What are you passionate about?
The mysteries, the imagination and the ride of life

What are the achievements you are most proud of?
I can play again

What are you most grateful for in life?
I'm grateful for a place to go where no one could possibly follow me

What are the most important things to you in life?
Other people who I can sit with not saying a word

How would you describe yourself?
A quiet little wierdo

What are your values? What do you represent? What do you want to embody?
I value compassion and empathy, I represent the wish to understand, I want to embody true human relations.

Do you love yourself?

… Why or Why not?
Sometimes, when I love myself, I do it because I feel some accomplishment, something proud about my doings, when I don't love myself I just don't feel that my recent deeds were good enough

How can you love yourself more today?
Do more good deeds and try to repair the bad ones and learn from them

What is your ideal self? What does it mean to be your highest self?
The ideal me moment is when my brain connects two links in the maze, it's when I feel one with the universe

Look at your life now. Are you living the life of your dreams?
Life is a dream, so I can't answer the question the way it's presented...

If you have one year left to live, what would you do?
I'd travel. See the wonders of the world

If you have one month left to live, what would you do?
I would write a play about on of my childhood games

If you have one week left to live, what would you do?
I would party with my close people and then sit, think, wait and prepare myself

If you have one day left to live, what would you do?
I would express my love and then go for a long walk

If you have an hour left to live, what would you do?
A cup of tea, write a poem and a letter for explaining how to cremate. Then take some sleeping pills and try to dream and fulfil my promise to someone

If you have one minute left to live, what would you do?
Write "I enjoyed  the ride" on the closest wall

What would you do today if there is no more tomorrow?
Like the Armageddon scenario? I think the same as what I would do if I'd had one day to live in previous question.

What are the biggest things you’ve learned in life to date?
That human mind is really eager to fool itself

What advice would you give to yourself 3 years ago?
Use your pen and notebook!

If you are yourself 1 year from the future, how would you advise the you now?
How would I know that? Well if I imagine I would say something like 'it'll work out, stop moaning'

Is there something you’re still holding on to? Is it time to let it go?
Yes I'm holding on to on a number of things and I don't feel the need to let go yet.

What are you busy with today? Will this matter 1 year from now? 3 years? 5 years?
I'm busy on trying to decide my future life, so yes, yes, yes.

What are your Quadrant 2 tasks?
To figure out a back-up plan if I can't escape.

What opportunities are you looking for?
Total chaos or new knowledge or in my personal life something new to hold on to.

How can you create these opportunities?
Stop being a loser

What are your biggest goals and dreams?
 I really hate planning, so I guess to be happy and not get bored

What’s stopping you from pursuing them? …Why? How can you overcome them?
If I knew I wouldn't have the problem, would I? I have my guesses, but nothing concrete

If you are to do something for free for the rest of your life, what would you want to do?

What would you do if you cannot fail; if there are no limitations in money, resources, time or networks?
First I would lose money, and create the 'Venus project' and then see if it would sustain, if it would not then I would just destroy any global companies, governments, religious sects, militarises, banks, etc. and then would just see what would happen.
What do you want to achieve 1 year from now?
To finally find a profession for myself to head on to

… 3 years?
I hate plans

… 5 years?
I still hate plans

… 10 years?
continuously  hating plans

How important are these goals to you?
Not really

What if these goals are doubled? Tripled? Magnified by 10? How would you feel? Would you prefer to achieve these or your previous goals?
0 times 10 is still 0, but if i get goals i think i would want to let them live their own life, cause i hate them

Who are the people who have achieved similar goals? … What can you learn from them?
Oh I know a quite a few people who have achieved living with no goals and they are the happiest, smartest and most interesting people on earth, so it tells me that I might be on the right track

Are you putting any parts of your life on hold? … Why?
Yes, and I have no idea why

What’s the top priority in your life right now?
To stay interested, loving and happy

What are you doing about it?
Nothing, and that's the key

If you were to die tomorrow, what would be your biggest regret? What can you do now to make sure that doesn’t happen?
Well tomorrow I wouldn't regret anything any more but today I would feel regretful for not showing my emotions. To not regret this would cause other regrets so i wouldn't do anything to avoiding this regret

For every experience you get: What are the biggest things you have learned?
Human mind is so funny and likes to play tricks and games with itself, so let it play and learn. So yeah, I have learned learning

How can you do this better the next time?
Learn more, I guess?

If you had 1 million dollars, what would you do with it?
Buy a house far away from other houses

Do you love your job?
If I really did I wouldn't call it a job... but actually I'm not working jet

What is your ideal career?

How can you start creating your ideal career starting today?
Eem, just practise?

What is your ideal diet?
All variety of stuff

What do you need to do to achieve your ideal diet?
Well I guess nothing, cause I have it

What is your ideal home like?
Up on a cliff for a view on the sea far from civilisation and a forest surrounding the house

What do you need to do to achieve your ideal home?
The things needed to achieve that are not worth it, so I need luck

What is your ideal physical look?
I really don't know anything about looks

What do you need to do to achieve your ideal physical look?
I'd need better teeth so I need money for dentistry

What is your ideal life?
What a silly question, I'll just ignore this one

What can you do to start living your ideal life?
And this one too.

What would you want to say to yourself 1 year in the future?
Don't forget the journey

… 3 years?

… 5 years?
same again

… 10 years?
well I don't plan to suddenly stop being myself so the same

What do you fear most in life?

Is there anything you are running away from?
Yes, the jail we built for ourselves

Are you settling for less than what you are worth? … Why?
I'm kind of worthless, so no

What is your inner dialogue like? What limiting beliefs are you holding on to?
Woow, this needs a book to describe, but long story short - i get information, I process it and then put it in my system. What limits me is the notion that I'm holding on to the fear of insanity

Are they helping you achieve your goals?
I sure hope so that they hold me stable

If not, is it time to let them go?
well i don't think so

What empowering beliefs can you take on to help you achieve your goals?
Not beliefs, only more information

What bad habits do you want to break?
Drinking and then talking some utter bullshit

What good habits do you want to cultivate?
Talking to people and creating human connections

What are the biggest actions you can take now to create the biggest results in your life?
Lose some fear and disappointment

Where are you living right now – the past, future or present?

Are you living your life to the fullest right now?
As much as I can yes

What is the meaning of life?
42.Well I don't believe there is one. I think we are just accidently here

What is your purpose in life? Why do you exist? What is your mission?
No purpose, I exist cause I was born due to a chemical reaction. I myself am a chemical reaction I might have some other extra-dimensional properties that I'm not aware of, but it does not change my perspective of it right now. My mission is to survive and enjoy the chance that happened, to make this chance more enjoyable to others and keep the circle going and reproduce cause I find it beautiful and want to add some more joy to this world and I think it's more beautiful to think this way than any supernatural higher power cause for our existence...

How can you make your life more meaningful, starting today?
I's so relative. I could do as I do already and my life would be more meaningful or I could do something else and the definition of my meaning would change. So it's just the matter of perspective of how I see myself and feel about my deeds

What drives you?
Information, love, compassion, empathy, human relations

What are the times you are most inspired, most motivated, most charged up?
When I get some seemingly insignificant info or a piece of emotion and it is the missing link for my puzzle and it all fits for a moment and I feel love and connection with the world, then I feel I could do anything

What did you do during those times? How can you do more of that starting today?
I smile and hold on to the moment and keep it to remember. I can get these moments by continuing what I do already I guess

How can you change someone’s life for the better today?
A variety of ways. Just a simple smile can do wonders. A simple touch. Words are over rated.

Who are the 5 people you spend the most time with?
Keir, Ekke, Freddy, Kristiina and my band

Are these people enabling you or holding you back?
Only I can hold myself back

What qualities do you want to embody? (Refer to Q7: Values and Q11: Ideal Self) Where can you meet people who embody these qualities?
Empathy. I don't know where to meet new people, cause I don't ever start a chat with strangers. I don't know why...

Who inspire you the most?
Philosophers like Leary, Hicks, Carlin, Hitchens, Dawkins, Harris et cetera. And my close friends

How can you be like them?
That's not the point to be like them...

What is your ideal life partner like?
Happy, caring and all the other things and she must like hugs!

Where can you find him/her?
With my new invention - 'the women radar' . No I really don't know

How can you get to know him/her?
I'm not good at this at all.

Are you afraid of letting others get close to you?
No I'm not but I don't make myself close to anyone, people have to seek my close relationship themselves, although I usually am afraid to go and get close to others.

… Why?
I trust people who trust me, so I'm open to them. I don't find closeness from others because I am not a good talker

Who is/are the most important person(s) to you in the world?
I wish not to answer that

Are you giving them the attention you want to give?
Not enough

How can you spend more time with them starting today?

What kind of person do you enjoy spending time with?
Empathic and happy

How can you be this person to others?

Who do you want to be like in 1 year?

… 3 years?

… 5 years?

… 10 years?

Who are your mentors in life? (formal or informal)
Everyone I meet and remember and every bit of information I get and save

What is one thing you’re going to do differently after reading this article?
Well nothing I guess...
